Character Design Colour – City WIP

Really short post today Diary,

Remember in my last post I mentioned that I have to colour a cityscape for this weeks assignment as well? I don’t think I’m going to have it done. Truthfully the entire assignment was due last wednesday but that class had to be postponed until this upcoming tuesday. I decided that with the extra few days I would start over and do this assignment right!

But it’s not going right! Nope. Not at all. Well ok it’s not bad. Here’s the Work-In-Progress.

crimecitysketchAs you can see it’s way more detail than my previous Medieval Suburbs had. It’s kind of a jumble of lines right now but when I add the value it’ll all start to be much more clear. I hope.

The assignment is due in about 23 hours so I’m going to get to bed and start painting in the morning. Wish me luck!

Love Michael


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