More Experiments in Perspective

A very short Devblog # 6:

I’ll keep this one short. The last post was 17 days ago but the last while I’ve been playing with perspective more using that plugin for Sketchup. If you follow me on twitter or instagram or facebook you may have seen it. Long story short I created the office from NBC’s The Office. Well a good chunk of it. I needed to see how my chosen perspective of 45 degrees with 50% scaling looked in a full room. After some experimenting I didn’t love it. So I created a 35% room that I like WAY better. Here they both are:

See the difference? Might be hard to tell seeing one on top of the other. Long story short the A (35%) ones make you look like you’re closer to the ground.

I settled on this perspective a few days ago but this weekend is the longest hardest auction we’ve ever done and I’ve been working 10-14 hour days. In fact it’s midnight:30 right now the day of the viewing. I should have been in bed 3 hours ago since my alarm goes off at 6. Hence the short update. But post auctions are brutal so I know I won’t be able to work on the game for another week.

For fun though I created an animated gif of a cube and a robot friend first changing the scale factor on the right side and then changing the fixed angled it’s projected at. (You might need to click it to see the animationy bits).

Ok I’m going to bed.


Highest Mark Yet

I just got my highest assignment grade so far, Diary. 90%! Yesssss. Pretty good considering the creature portion wasn’t complete.

I’m spending way to much time trying to make the picture perfect so I haven’t drawn the details on the mechanics or the bubble over it’s head. But here it is so far.

eelvaluesv2Yup. That’s the guy. I have to add teeth and colour and all sorts of junk but it’s really coming together I think. And I think I’ll work on it now. Short post! WOO!

Love Michael

Character Design Colour – City WIP

Really short post today Diary,

Remember in my last post I mentioned that I have to colour a cityscape for this weeks assignment as well? I don’t think I’m going to have it done. Truthfully the entire assignment was due last wednesday but that class had to be postponed until this upcoming tuesday. I decided that with the extra few days I would start over and do this assignment right!

But it’s not going right! Nope. Not at all. Well ok it’s not bad. Here’s the Work-In-Progress.

crimecitysketchAs you can see it’s way more detail than my previous Medieval Suburbs had. It’s kind of a jumble of lines right now but when I add the value it’ll all start to be much more clear. I hope.

The assignment is due in about 23 hours so I’m going to get to bed and start painting in the morning. Wish me luck!

Love Michael