Space Detective & City Critique


I got the critique from last weeks assignment. 80% for my Space Detective and a future-ish type city. I actually didn’t post the finished city here because honestly I was embarrassed by how bad it came out. But no. I must acknowledge my failings if I want to get better. This is what I handed in.

colorcity1*dry heaves*

I have no subtly. Just look at the values in this thing. I go from pure black to pure white. And the colours. It looks like I coloured it in with a box of sniffy markers I stole from the preschool near by.


(I actually did steal them but it’s unrelated to this assignment).

I figured it was a COLOURING assignment. So I should colour the hell out of it! But really the buildings should all be similar in colour and way less saturated. The light should also show a little on the buildings. And the reflections on the glass are completely wrong.

I took some of the teachers advice and quickly put together this:

colorcity2*dry heaves slightly less than last time*

Really I should have a street light on another corner too. So many issues.

The space detective I did pretty well on.


Nothing too major to fix except for an eye brow and some lighting issues from the hologram. The biggest thing was the feet. She was turned so heavily to the right but her one leg was still stiffly pointing left.

detectivefootNormally about now I’d be posting the WIP’s of this current weeks assignment. But this week got away from me. I actually took two evenings to play video games. I never play games anymore. Basically my life is work, baby, homework. It was nice to goof off a little. Unfortunately my son is going through some growing pains which is keeping him awake most nights. So I lost my chance to draw the other evenings.

Today I stubbornly assured my wife that I would still get a completely new character and new city done before my next class. That class, I should add, is in 41 hours. And I work full time. I just spent the last two hours racing to create a character and it’s just not working. I’m making a million mistakes because I’m rushing. So instead of starting from scratch I’ll do what the school asked. I will texture the previous assignment.

All day I felt bad about that inevitability but thinking about it now I’m glad I goofed off a couple of nights. I spent some real quality time with my wife too. I missed her face.

I should get to bed since I’m just rambling. But here’s a cool thing I drew using Lazy Nezumi Pro. It’s a plugin for photoshop that I’ll likely write a review on soon.

5 Point Perspective! I drew a fisheye city in just a few minutes. Cool, right?


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